AA. About the author

I'm going light on this section for now. This website is really about you, the reader. If it doesn't help you in your life, perhaps it's not worth a description.

People in almost any group have had at least one profound spiritual experience, and others haven't had any such thing and they don't expect to ever have one. If you're in one of these categories, please be understanding of people in the other category. I'm in the first category. In November of 1981 I could see a barren, hot world, and a fire was coming out of an evil hole in the ground. I was told to go to college. I did. I took two years to get a Masters Degree in Political Science, because that's how we could stop this evil. Then after I graduated I found a job working as a research programmer for a climatologist. Then another year later my new boss started lecturing on this brand new thing that other climatologists had discovered, global warming.

I can recommend Quaker (Religious Society of Friends) silent meditation in groups. In my experience, the practice increases one's chances of having either wonderful spiritual experiences or sometimes bad dreams, which can lead you on in relation to the climate crisis. As a general practice, some Quakers don't get it but many do.

After decades of practicing yoga, some yogis can tie themselves up into pretzels. I've found that people also slowly stretch spiritually, inside. You can ask how I wrote this website. I'm still pretty much who I was decades ago, except over time I have gently gotten stretched in all sorts of subtle ways. This website makes complete and ordinary sense to me, but casual readers will probably wonder how one person could ever have pulled this website off.

Probably with my views molded by Quaker influence, I advocate defending the weak. Lots of groups of people are picked on. Certain picked-on groups are particularly underprotected these days: chemically sensitive and EMF-sensitive people are also known as canaries, neurodivergent people, sexually and physically abused children along with, rather perversely, their own perfectly normal parents too, and trans teens.

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